Peperomia obtusifolia

A relatively easy to care for plant with glossy rubbery succulent-like leaves. Has a normal dark green variety as well as a few variegated varieties with yellowish tones.

Maranta prayer plants


Peperomia obtusifola is a species of Peperomia that is native to Mexico, the Caribbean, and Florida. It is most commonly seen in its normal dark-green leaved variety, but new cultivars have been developed that have variegated leaves.


Maximum height is usually around a foot tall or so. Can grow relatively quickly if given enough light.

Growing Conditions


Moderate to bright indirect light is preferred, but the solid green variety can tolerate a lower light situation. As with a lot of houseplants, keep this one out of direct sunlight due to the potential for leaf burn. Direct sunlight might also cause leaf discoloration. Can thrive with only artificial light if necessary.


Because their succulent leaves will store some water, these Peperomias won’t require frequent watering but it is important to give them a thorough watering and then wait for the soil medium to dry out before watering again.

If at all possible, use distilled water if you have harder tap water.

Potting Mix

Would prefer to be in a potting mix based on peat moss. An African Violet potting mix would work.


Peperomia obtusifolia would prefer higher humidity but would be fine in slightly drier air. If you do have a humidified room, it would appreciate being placed in there.


Fertilize a few times during the growing season but not at all during the colder months.


Can be propagated by cuttings or division.


Listed as non-toxic by the ASPCA.

Potential Problems

Susceptible to root rot if over-watered.

Doesn’t normally have many pest issues but spider mites or mealybugs are possible.

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